write & release
a december fourth gathering: where the riverbend meets the memory circle
We are in this thing together, right?
I mean, nobody can go this journey alone-nor should they even try! I for one, am beyond grateful we found one another. As one client said of this season of holidays à la grief …it is the “most” time of the year. Which of course will mean different things to different people - but I for one, feel that “most” in my very bones.
Thanksgiving was my Mom’s favorite holiday. Much less for the turkey from Hink’s farm or the tiny pigs in a blanket that were a sure thing— but, mostly because it was that once a year where we were all together. It was a long standing family tradition that wherever you were in the world, my extended family made their way to my Aunt Trudy’s house (and my Grandma’s house before her). It was a come-hell-or-high-water and I-don’t-care-what-your-in-laws-do, call home.
This year, like many since she has been gone — looks different. That’s where you come in. I am so very grateful for you, your friendship and readership. Support comes in all ways—and I consider this circle of support, right here on the page, a way for us to connect and be there for one another. Your messages mean the world to me. I read and respond to every last one! Giving major thanks for you and hope you feel it.
The holidays can be a mixed bag when you are feeling grief-y or need relief from the downright buzz of being overwhelmed. I want to be there with you — even if that is sharing a zoom room. My wish has always been to create community with you and for you - and I hope you find this a tender space to land.
I am excited to share a wonderful workshop planned with my amazingly gifted friend and colleague Kelsey Sawyer, MA, BC-DMT of Riverbend Grief and Movement. We will gather for a virtual healing and feeling few hours where you can lean into release. Come as you are — cozy clothes, something to sip on and write with…a yoga mat, or the rug and a quiet space.
Our prompt-led, rest focused write and release workshop will utilize guided movement, meditation, inspired readings and free write techniques that can ease anxiety and overwhelm and move what may not be serving you, this time of year. A dedicated place and space to put down what you may be carrying— a mini, getaway from it all. You can REGISTER HERE.
Invite this practice and a few tools in, as we navigate new ways and days ahead. So much can show up in mind and body that we don’t address in all of the busy. I hope this will help.
Wishing you a peaceful holiday-meeting it however it feels best to you. Sometimes it will require a little self-imposed break. I am offering up the idea of taking a walk during your day.
Enjoy a nature break from wherever you are gathering.
Feeling the leaves or street beneath your feet.
The sun on your face. At your back.
Grounding in the here and now.
Notice the sounds around you.
And then, notice what delights you.
Perhaps jot down a few.
Share them with me!
I hope to be with you on December 4 — creating a circle of support and ease. Come as you are and sit with us for a while. Ahhhhh, that sure sounds nice.
Lots of love-
x, B
PS. We never want finances to stand in the way of support, so please send along a message and we will get you there.