Made Visible

by James Crews

Some days I wish our pain was visible,

that our grief gave off a slight glimmer

from the center of the chest, so that as we

walked down the street, shifting a bag

of olive oil and bread from one hand

to the other, every passerby might see

a glow lifting off of us like moonlight

on the surface of broken water, and know

to soften their eyes, and whisper hello

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Lovely words, thank you. Made me think of the poem “Made Visible” by James Crews. https://mailchi.mp/1f6ee3aa6c20/weekly-pause-made-visible?e=74049fba80

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Beautiful, Barri. Chag Sameach and Shana Tova to you and your family..🍎🍯

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This was so beautiful and meaningful to read, it brought tears to my eyes. Have a Shana tova.

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Thank you. 🍎🍯

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Chag Sameach sister... loved this: "I have often joked that if we each wore a t-shirt emblazoned with our loss across the front — we would be so much more compassionate to one another. Imagine the grace we could find for someone’s grumpy mood or foul driving if we knew it was the anniversary of their mother’s death, or their beloved dog had just passed or divorce papers served or finalized?"

Thank you for reminding me of what matters.

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